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  Cables & Bobbles in CPY Cotton Chenille9410
Crystal Palace Yarns

Cotton Chenille
Cables and Bobbles

Finished Chest Measurement: 46"

Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille  100%  cotton, 18- 50gm balls (98 yds).
Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles sizes 6 & 8 single points;  stitch holders; cable needle (cn); size F crochet hook.

GAUGE: 8 sts = 2" in Stockinette stitch (St st) on 6 needles.

cn: cable needle

Reverse St st: (Rev St st) knit on wrong side and purl on right side.
k3tog: knit 3 together
k2tog: knit 2 together
PSSO: pass slip st over

MB: Make Bobble
On a right side row, Knit into the front, back, front, back, front of a stitch, making 5 sts where  there was one
Turn the work, knit the 5 new sts
Turn the work, purl 5
Turn, K2 tog, K1, K2 tog
Turn, K3 tog

Body Panel A: (16 sts)
1st row:  p2, k12, p2
2nd and alt rows:  k2, p12, k2
3rd row: as 1st row
5th row: p2, slip next 4 sts to cn and leave at back, k4, k sts from cn, k4, p2
7th row: as 1st row
9th row: as 1st row
11th row: p2, k4, slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and leave at front, k4, k sts from cn, p2
12th row: as 2nd row
Rows 1-12 form Panel A.

Body Panel B: (8 sts)
1st row: (RS)  to 4th row: beg k, work 4 rows St st
5th row: k3, MB (see abbreviations), k3
6th row:  purl
Rows 1-6  form Panel B.

BACK: With size 8 needles cast on very loosely 131 sts.
Working from Lace Border chart, beg with left side panel (11 sts), *panel 1(16sts), panel 2 (15sts), rep from * 2 more times, work panel 1, then right side panel (11sts).  Work from Lace Border chart for 18 rows. On 19th row dec 23 sts evenly across row 108 sts.  Change to size 6 needles and work 2 rows of Rev St st.
Begin body pattern as follows:
1st row: k2,p2,k2,p2,k2,*work 1st row Body Panel A, then  Body Panel B; rep from * twice, work 1st row of Body Panel A, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2.
2nd row: p2, k2, p2, k2, p2,* work 2nd row of Body Panel A, then Body Panel B; rep from * twice, work 2nd row of Body Panel A, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2.
Continue working body panels and keeping side sts in pattern as set until work measures 26" or desired length from beg, ending with a wrong side row.
Shape shoulder:
  Bind off 36 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off 36 sts for back neck.

FRONT: Work as for back until piece measures 22.5" from beg of rib ending on wrong side.
Shape Neck:  Patt 42 sts, turn. Cont on these sts only and dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every foll and alt row until 36 sts rem. Work until  25" from beg,  bind off 36 shoulder sts.  Bind off center 24 sts. Complete other side of neck to match, reversing shaping.

SLEEVES: With size 8 needles cast on 69 sts very loosely.
Working from Lace Border chart  work left side panel, panel 1, panel 2, panel 1, and right side panel. Follow  Lace Border chart for 11 rows, dec 9 sts evenly spaced across row 12, 60 sts. Change to size 6 needles and work 2 rows in Rev St st.  Beg pattern.
1st row: k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, work 1st row Body Panel A, then Body Panel B, then Body Panel A, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2. This row sets the pattern for sleeves. Cont in patt as set and inc 1 st at each end of every alt row, working extra sts into patt as set, until there are 108 sts. Cont straight until work measures 18.5" from beg, ending with a wrong side row. Bind off.

Sew both shoulder seams. Work one row of Single Crochet (sc) around neck. Work 1 row Picot Stitch thus: *work 1sc in each of next 3 sts then chain 3, slip stitch in  3rd chain from hook, rep from * around neck. Fasten off.

FINISHING:  Sew sleeves to body. Sew side and sleeve seams.

  Cables & Bobble Chart








K3 tog = slip 2 sts knitwise, k1, slip the 2 sts over the knit st
S4 = slip 4 sts to cn and leave at back of work, k4, k sts from cn, k4
K4 = k4, slip next 4 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k4, k sts from cn

This scanned chart isn't a thing of beauty, but you should have seen it before I touched it up!

copyright 1994-2006 Crystal Palace Yarns/Straw Into Gold, Inc. - We are happy to share this free knitting pattern with knitters. The pattern may be used for non-commercial personal or knitting guild use. It is not to be used in any publication in print nor should it be reproduced in electronic/digital format without permission. Knitting shops carrying CP Yarns Cotton Chenille are welcome to print and share this pattern with customers of our yarns.

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