basically an old lady with spikes glued on. follow for knitting, LARP costume/propmaking, and weird pillows. maybe some other stuff.

not that I post often on here, but that’s likely gonna drop down to “never” tomorrow. don’t much see the point in posting about creativity on a site that only supports a particularly narrow kind of creativity, and doesn’t seem to have any interest in competently executing even that. they’ve decided it’s better for their bottom line to ditch “””female-presenting nipples””” and algorithmically police art? they’re welcome to it, I guess. I’ll be over…somewhere else. somewhere that doesn’t flag pieces of plywood as “potentially sensitive content”, much less anything that contains *gasp* actual bosoms.

I’ll probably post here once more if/when I get a blog started somewhere else, and delete this one some time after that once I’ve transferred all the content I want to keep. In the meantime, old stuff will still be here, and new project photos can be found on my ravelry account.

hey @staff? nice job breaking it, hero. I don’t even post nsfw things! I’m mostly a knitting blog! but I sure am willing to stand on principle, against both incompetent machine learning AND puritanical content policies. bye now!

Berroco Ultra Alpaca has become my go-to Big Scarf Shawl Thingy yarn - it’s a nice yarn both size and feel-wise, and it shows details really nicely. This pattern was intended to make a cowl/poncho kind of thing but I wasn’t a huge fan of the shape so I skipped the grafting and just made a shawl/big squat scarf.

Pattern is called Heartwood, ravelry project link here.

but it wasn’t a rock…it was a ROCK MONSTERRRRR
(goodwill button-down covered in rock texture spray paint plus small boffer rocks with fabric threaded through them and then sewed down into the shirt. mask is from Spirit Halloween.)

but it wasn’t a rock…it was a ROCK MONSTERRRRR

(goodwill button-down covered in rock texture spray paint plus small boffer rocks with fabric threaded through them and then sewed down into the shirt. mask is from Spirit Halloween.)

one of my old roommates left a mattress topper in my apartment and I turned it into a bunch of rocks using my best Cake Boss Layered Bullshit Carving Techniques

I just wrapped up an event at the LARP I write for, so I’m queueing up a bunch of pictures of projects that either couldn’t be posted before the event because they were spoilers, or which were finished close enough to the event that I hadn’t had time to blog about them beforehand.

First, we have a collection of “keys” from the tabletop game I play. The characters can access some kind of dream world through my character’s bedroom, and she had to make a key for each of the party members so they could get in. She’s a wannabe avant-garde artist mall goth so these took the form of some squirrel bones strung on a ribbon with beads and bloody chicken feathers from an encounter with An Enemy. I decided to make as close a version of that as I could with the supplies I had so I could give them to all the players in the run and uh. here we go!