
Scrunch Socks for 18″ Dolls – A Free Knitting Pattern

Hi! It feels like I haven’t logged on to this blog in months, but it’s really only been weeks. Colege has been keeping me busy, but I’ve still been doing lots of knitting. So here’s a new sock pattern, inspired by Courtney Moore!

Needles: 2.75mm dpns and 2.25mm dpns

Yarn: Loops & Threads Woolike

Using the larger needles, cast on 36 stitches using your preferred stretchy cast-on method and join in the round.

K1P1 rib three rounds.

Knit 32 rounds.

Switch to 2.25mm dpns.

K around once.

K2tog, K around to last 2 sts, ssk (34 sts).

K around once.

K2tog, K to last 2 sts, ssk (32 sts).

K around once.

K8, place those 8sts and the last 8sts on one needle. Turn.

sl1, purl across, turn

sl1, knit across, turn

sl1, purl across, turn

sl1, knit across, turn

sl1, purl across, turn

sl1, knit across, turn

sl1, purl across, turn

sl1, K8, K2tog, K1, turn

sl1, P3, P2rog, P1, turn

sl1, K4, K2tog, K1, turn

sl1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn

sl1, K6, K2tog, K1, turn

sl1, P7, P2tog, P1, turn

Now, divide the stitches onto three needles like so:

Needle 1: sl1, knit across, pick up 6 stitches along side of heel flap.

Needle 2: Knit the 16 instep stitches.

Needle 3: Pick up 6 more stitches along the other side of the heel flap, K5.

K around

K to end of needle 1, K2tog. K across needle 2. ssk first two stitches of needle 3, knit to end.

Repeat the last two rounds until 28 stitches remain.

Knit 12 rounds.

Now, the stitches should be divided like so:

Needle 1: 7sts

Needle 2: 14sts

Needle 3: 7sts

K5, K2tog, ssk, K10, K2tog, ssk, K5

K4, K2tog, ssk, K8, K2tog, ssk, K5

K around

K3, K2tog, ssk, K6, K2tog, ssk, K3

K4 sts from the first needle onto the third, so that the 16 stitches are divided evenly between the two needles. Graft the toe closed using kitchener stitch, weave in ends and the socks are complete.