Busy with Stranded Knitting

When I’m designing mittens I usually try to make a pleasant balance of the stranded “busy” part of the design and the plain knitting. For me personally, plain knitting is less fun even though it sometimes looks best. For Wild Flower Mittens I let myself go with the stranded part and did almost the whole design with pattern. Here’s the pattern for FREE. Get Busy!

2 thoughts on “Busy with Stranded Knitting

  1. Joanne

    I am in the process of knitting the wildflower mittens but don’t get how the decrease goes on the hand part
    Can you explain this?


    1. fleeceloveandhappiness Post author

      HI Joanne. When you get to line 54 you knit 1 then SSK, knit to the 3 sts before the end of the row, k2tog, k1 then do the same on the back of the mitten. So basically when you see this symbol: \ it means “slip slip knit” and this symbol / means knit 2 together. If you are not familiar with SSK (slip slip knit) i’d look it up on the internet.



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