The Layered Bricks Scarf Pattern

The Layered Bricks Scarf

Why am I drawn to yarn that eventually becomes discontinued? One of my favorite pastimes is to go to my local arts and crafts stores to window shop, get some inspiration, or sometimes sample some unique yarn. It was so with the Yarn Bee® Fresh Haven yarn I purchased from Hobby Lobby last year, which I used for a weaving project. I liked the softness of the yarn so I went back to Hobby Lobby to get some more to knit a cardigan or a blanket but couldn’t find any. I later found out that it was discontinued. Fortunately, I had one skein of two different yarn colors left, so I used them to knit the Layered Bricks Scarf.

The yarn is made with 100% Tencel®. Tencel® yarn is made with wood pulp that is chemically processed to create the semi synthetic cellulose fibers (Lyocell). It is known for its strength, is durable and absorbs moisture well. It’s also hypoallergenic making it suitable for those who are sensitive to wool. I just like the yarn because it feels soft, silky and drapes well. I am of course quite disappointed that this yarn has been discontinued.

The Layered Bricks Scarf is knit in the houndstooth pattern using garter stitch pattern with slipped stitches. It’s a four row repeat pattern that alternates the yarn colorway every two rows. The scarf pattern is similar to the Interwoven Earwarmer pattern but knit flat instead of in the round. Unlike the Interwoven Earwarmer, the Layered Bricks Scarf has no purl stitches making this pattern more beginner-friendly.

The Layered Bricks Scarf Pattern (text and images for personal use only)

Yarn: Yarn Bee® Fresh Haven yarn in Colorway A: Red Clay and Colorway B: Grey (The yarn has been discontinued but other yarn with Tencel® or Lyocell fiber can be substituted for it)
Knitting Needles: US #6 (4.0 mm) circular needles or straight needles; US #8 (5.0 mm) knitting needles for the cast on and bind off
Crochet Hooks: US G-6 (4.0 mm)
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: 6.0 stitches per inch in the garter houndstooth stitch pattern with US #6 knitting needles after washing
Size of the Layered Bricks Scarf: about 5.5 inches wide and 58.5 inches long without stretching

K: Knit
pm: place marker
sm: slip marker
wyif: with working yarn in front
s1 purlwise: with working yarn in back slip 1 stitch purlwise from the left needle
[…]: stitch pattern repeats

With US #8 (5.0 mm) knitting needles and thumb or long tail cast on method, cast on 1 stitch, pm, cast on 33 stitches, pm, cast on 1 stitch (35 stitches in total) with Colorway B (grey) yarn

  • Row 1 (RS): With Colorway A (red clay) yarn – K1, sm, [K2, s1 purlwise] repeat […] till marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 2 (WS): With Colorway A (red clay) yarn – K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 3 (RS): With Colorway B (grey) yarn – K1, sm, [s1 purlwise, K2] repeat […] till marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 4 (WS): With Colorway B (grey) yarn – K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise

Repeat Rows 1 to 4, 118 times.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 once more. Cut the Colorway A (red clay) yarn and secure it.
With Colorway B (grey) yarn and US # 8 (5.0 mm) knitting needles, bind off loosely in the knit stitch while removing the two markers.
Remove the US #8 needle from the last bind off stitch and insert a G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook, then chain one.

  • Turn the scarf and single crochet along the left length of the scarf
  • Turn and single crochet along the cast-on edge
  • Turn and single crochet up along the right side length of the scarf
  • Turn and single crochet along the bind off edge of the scarf

Slip stitch into the beginning stitch of the single crochet. Pull yarn through.
Weave in the ends with the tapestry needle, wash and block the Layered Bricks Scarf

The Layered Bricks Scarf turned out soft and silky as I had expected. It’s stretchy and drapes well too. It keeps me warm and is perfect for this time of the year.
