Solid ornaments:
Using size 6 dpns, cast on 6 and join.
R1: (YO1, K1) 6
R2 (and all even rows): K
R3: (YO1, K2) 6
R5: (YO1, K3) 6
Repeat rows as established until piece is big enough to fit over glass ornament (12 reps...


Solid ornaments:

Using size 6 dpns, cast on 6 and join.
R1: (YO1, K1) 6
R2 (and all even rows): K
R3: (YO1, K2) 6
R5: (YO1, K3) 6

Repeat rows as established until piece is big enough to fit over glass ornament (12 reps or so). Then go

R odd: (YO1, K however many, SSK or whatever right-leaning decrease you prefer) 6
R even: K

Continue until piece is large enough to wrap entire ball (10 or so more reps). Cut yarn leaving about a foot, then run the yarn through the live stitches. Place ball inside, then pull to gather stitches. Secure yarn, trim, and tuck end inside.

Lacey ornaments:

Using size 6 dpns, cast on 8 and join.
R1: K F&B (8)
R2: K F&B (16)

You should now have 32 stitches. Distribute them as follows: 8 on first needle, 16 on second needle, 8 on third needle.

R3: K
R4: K2, YO, SSK (8)
R5: K2TOG, YO, K2 (8)

Repeat rows 4 and 5 until piece is large enough to wrap entire ball (20 rows or so).

R last: K

Cut yarn leaving about a foot, then run the yarn through the live stitches. Place ball inside, then pull to gather stitches. Secure yarn, trim, and tuck end inside.

5 notes

  1. wasabipoptart posted this