
It’s an old story, as old as blogging itself.

OK, old in tech terms. It’s been two months, what the heck happened?

Rather than hashing details, I will simply say thank you to all of you who kindly continue to visit despite increasingly frequent breaks.

As always, there’s a cardigan afoot. I’m working on a Vonica for my sister L, and I just finished the body. Only sleeves to go!



The second picture shows the texture and color much more accurately than the first. I’m using Classic Elite Classic Silk in the color Wave Break, and it’s lovely. For a non-wool blend, it’s surprisingly easy on the hands and the tweediness lends great texture.

While knitting on Vonica on the back patio, Topaz gave me a helping hand…


Of course as soon as I got up he stretched his way onto my half of the loveseat. I couldn’t find it in me to move him.

I sewed up one front/neck on my New York/Los Angeles Cardigan, but then it sat while working on Vonica. I steamed it before seaming, and it grew in length even more than anticipated.


Whoopsie. I think this will get a toss in the dryer during wet blocking, so that I get a long, but not gargantuan, sweater. Knitting with the Manos Serena is a dream!

I also have a couple small projects in the works, but they are secrets. Shhhh.

I have a little more time to knit just of late because my company did some downsizing. I was not laid off (though some were) but I was among those with reduced hours. I had been thinking of reducing my hours further anyway for health reasons, so it’s all to the good. N and I can manage fine, and I am trying to see the opportunity in it. Still scary though. I must admit this was a time I am glad of my stash. This news was also tempered by the fact that my office just moved locations, and not only is it only 3 miles from home, I was given my own office. The suite was already built out, and the offices are spacious. I have huge east-facing windows and a great view. As with most corporate-type spaces, it always seems a tad cold. It’s not arctic thank goodness, but my cardigan collection is still needed year-round 🙂

An actual real FO post. It’s been a spell. Normal life stuff, mostly, keeping me from the computer. However, I am at this moment enjoying a PB&J with a glass of white wine. Cause I’m classy like that.

Between a couple FOs to tell and all new fall pattern goodness, I’m going to keep this short and, hopefully, sweet.

Finished up a Goodale for mememe…

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I had been eyeing some stashed Silky Tweed for this, and after seeing Pam’s I was sold.

Pattern: Goodale by Cecily Glowik MacDonald (Raveled)

Yarn: Silky Tweed, color 12, just shy of 5 skeins

Needles: US7

I made the smallest size, then proceeded to put on about 10 pounds 🙂 Thankfully, the design is plump-friendly. Normally, I would be bummed, but after hardly being able to eat most of last year due to severe anxiety, I take a healthy appetite as a sign of, well, health. I’m mostly bummed alot of my wardrobe doesn’t fit. I have, though, cut back on the snacking.

My other FO is for my lovely niece, C. She spied a crocheted cowl on Etsy, and asked if I might be able to knit a facsimile, both of the stitch pattern and the color, a rich orange. Thanks to Ravelry, after 7.39 minutes of pattern searching, I came across Begbie from Jane RIchmond. Thanks to one of my LYSs, Abuelita’s, I came across a skein of Malabrigo in Sealing Wax, the perfect rich orange if ever there was one.


Double-stranded Malabrigo, US13 needles, a great stitch pattern, and voila – a cozy (and might I add crazy-quick) cowl (Raveled).

It’s a good thing I’m finishing some projects, because the time of fall patterns has arrived. And it is good. Links for you!

Twist! A fantastic issue, even for Twist. I can’t say I feathered to the colorwork patterns, but maybe I need to see them in different colors. So far I’ve nabbed Evendin, Maree, and Twinings. There are other patterns I really like, but I tried to restrain myself. At least temporarily. Twist can be like the Whole Paycheck Foods of knitting magazines.

New and incredible, if you haven’t already seen it, is Wool People. Brooklyn Tweed invited several amazing designers to design with Shelter, and this first issue is the result. I heart so many of the patterns, I haven’t narrowed it down yet. Another Whole Foods of knitting situation.

The Fall IK is hitting mailboxes and newsstands, and after at best lukewarm Spring and Summer issues (to me), I thought this issue was good. I especially like the Strobilus Pullover and Cardigan Bay Jacket. The Dahlia Cardigan seems to be the standout favorite.

However, I think the Fall Knitscene is great. I have been consistently preferring the issues of Knitscene to IK of late. I like Amy Herzog’s three featured patterns, the Hawkmoth Pullover, Morrison Cardigan, Montview Cardigan, Lowry Pullover, Live Oak Shawlette, and basically all the hat and mitt patterns.

It’s been a million years since I’ve done a big list of single patterns, and there are simply too many. Really. It makes my brain hurt a little to contemplate it. So I am taking the easy route and formally inviting anyone interested to see my Ravelry pattern favorites list here.

I’m off the finish this glass of wine, and maybe knit a few stitches.

Where to start?

Happy 4th of July!

That’s a good start. What in the world have I been doing the past month plus? Well, it’s summer y’all! At least recently. Plus some secret gifty knitting. I have a FO and some WIPs, and finally, pictures 🙂

I knit a shawlette for my sis J’s birthday…and took the opportunity for FO pics during a visit to one of my favorite places, Descanso Gardens.

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  • Traveling Woman by Liz Abinante (Raveled)
  • Capistrano Fiber Arts Merino/Silk in “Irish Moss”, 2 skeins, 300 yards
  • US 8 needle
  • Size small in the dk/sport pattern

For my niece, a Begbie cowl in Malabrigo “Sealing Wax”. Such a cool color!


And, in order for this site to keep its cred as The Cardigan Blog, progress on my Aryn Tunic Cardi in Classic Elite Lush.


I just have to knit the upper back and dolman sleeves, the rest of the neckband, and some finishing. The fabric is incredible, and also very, very warm. I should have this done just in time for the hottest weather of the year! Figures.

I’ll soon be starting two new cardigans, one for moi and one for my sis L. I hope everyone in Canada and the US is enjoying their national birthdays, and having a lovely long weekend!

Some months ago, I made a Get Ziggy sweater for a colleague’s new addition. He graciously sent me a photo of Baby H wearing his knits…


That smile! This is a dangerous level of cuteness. Practically weapon level.

The Cardigan Blog

That’s what I should rename this site. The Cardigan Blog. More on this later.

First, thank you for all the well wishes! I was fully recovered soon after my last post, and have been enjoying Spring and other life goodness. Some weeks back, we got a new chair and table to match our adirondack settee, making a cozy patio even better:


A great place to lounge, yogurt yumminess, HP and the Deathly Hallows on its release day (thanks Amazon!), and New England Knits. Very happy making! I also got an iPad a few weeks back, and have, unsurprisingly, been ensconced. Fishdom was my master for about a week.

In the month since my last post (egads!), I have worked on a new cardigan. Shock and awe, I know. I am nearing the finish line on a Goodale in Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool:


I made it a bit longer, and knitted a garter hem instead of ribbing. How long the sleeves are depends on how much yarn I have left. I’d like to be 3/4 length, but it will be a close thing.

I worked here and there on the Aryn Cardi, and now it has…pockets!


I heart the pockets. I really want this as a FO, but the stitch pattern, while easily memorized, still requires a certain amount of attention. I was crazing stockinette. Hence, Goodale. I will probably finish this cardi about mid-September when it’s a 100F.

I’ve also worked up another sooper secret sample knit. And that’s about that. I hope you are all enjoying the Spring weather and finding time to knit!