No-Scratch Baby Mittens for 0 – 6 months

I used Knitpicks Felici yarn in Jellybean. They came out looking like cheerful hot air balloons! Felici is self-striping sock yarn that is really soft!

My cast on was stretchy so it wouldn’t be too tight where the arm meets the wrist, the 1×1 rib makes it secure enough.

I basically made up a pattern that went like this:

cast on 32 stitches on size 2 dpns

repeat rows of knit, purl (1×1 rib) for an inch
repeat rows of knit for a half inch

5 increase rounds:
knit 8, make 1 repeated until end of round(36)
knit around
knit 9, make 1 repeated until end of round(40)
knit around
knit 10, make 1 repeated until end of round(44)

repeat rows of knit until mitten measures 3 and a half inches

decrease rounds:
knit 9, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 8, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 7, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 6, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 5, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 4, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 3, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 2, k2tog repeated until end of round
knit 1, k2tog repeated until end of round

At this point you should only have 8 stitches left.
Cut the tail and weave it through those last 8 stitches to close off the top of the mitten.
Then bring the tail through the middle and secure.

That’s it!

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