  1. Crafts & DIY

How to Make a Knit Tie

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1 min read
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What You'll Be Creating

Knit ties are back in style, and what could be better than a hand knitted one? This tie is cleverly made using double knitting, so it ends up completely reversible, allowing you to choose between the two sides. It might start off as a complex project, but by the time you finish the tie, you’ll be a master of double knitting and have a beautiful finished product.


  • 1 Skein Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift in light blue
  • 1 Skein Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift in navy blue
  • 2.75mm (US 2) knitting needles or size needed to get 13 sts and 16 rows over a 5cm (2in) square in double knitting
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle

1. Front of Tie

Cast on 13 pairs of stitches using the two stranded cast on for double knitting.

Work in double knitting following Chart 1 until the piece measures 61cm (24in). Be sure to twist your strands of yarn at the beginning of every row to join the edges.

2. Shaping

Work in double knitting following Chart 2. Remember to rearrange your stitch pairs before working your decreases so the double knitting is uninterrupted.

3. Neckband

Work in double knitting following Chart 3 until the piece measures 142cm (56in) or until it is the desired length.

4. Finishing

Bind off.

Cut, secure, and weave in all ends. Block the tie to even up stitches.

Tie It Up

After you finish knitting this tie, you’ll want to admire all the hard work you put into it. You can knot the tie using a simple knot like a four-in-hand, or wear it in a half-Windsor as shown here. 

If you love knitting, you might like to look at the Tuts+ archive of knitting patterns and tutorials. Tell me what other knitting patterns you'd like to see. 

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