

Far over the Misty Mountains cold

***Now for sale (on commission) via my Etsy shop!***
(my intention was to make a free pattern, but some folks have expressed interest, but don’t really want to knit it themselves–so I’ve made purchasing it from me an option. I’m doing them all myself, so please forgive the steep price and slow turn-around time!)

If you downloaded this before April 19, there is a tiny error on Page 6 (there should be a squiggle in the “F"esque letter) I’M VERY SORRY BUT I NOTICED IT JUST NOW!!!!!!*** 
Edit: now available as a PDF download on Ravelry.

A lovely Tumbl-user, fuckthisimgoingto221b, reminded me that I never actually updated my "Song of the Lonely Mountains” knitting chart. So here it is!

I did end up changing it quite a bit (the original 45 stitches were just too thick). I finished knitting it when there was still lots of snow on the ground (after many mistakes with double-knitting), and have been wearing the thing for a few lovely months.

I made it with Illimani’s baby alpaca (I needed about 1.5 skeins in each colour), in colours inspired by Tolkien’s original illustration, and it is THE SOFTEST thing ever!

With the leftover yarn, I made a headband (a miniature version of this) that says To dungeons deep and caverns old. That chart is available here.

If anyone actually knits this, please please send me your WIP and/or finished pics! I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE THEM! That would make me so happy :3