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Uppskrift af Bjórvettlingum Dúllumúsarinnar/ Recipe for beer mittens

Ég hef oft heyrt um bjórvettlinga en aldrei fundið neina uppskrift. Það endaði með því að ég bara gerði mína eigin uppskrift af minni útgáfu af bjórvettlingum og er loksins búin að skrifa hana upp svo aðrir geti notið hennar líka. Þetta er ótrúlega létt að prjóna og gaman.

Ég geri ekkert tilkall til bjórvettlingsins enda hafa þeir verið til lengi, en ég hef aldrei séð uppskrift eins og ég sagði, og þess vegna er þetta bara mín leið til að gera svona vettling, komin úr mínum kolli. Ég veit ekkert hvernig aðrir gera þessa vettlinga. Endilega sendið mér skilaboð á ravelry.com (notendanafnið mitt er siggahth þar) ef eitthvað er óskýrt eða þið hafið tillögur að betrumbætingu uppskriftarinnar.

Hérna er uppskriftin:

Bjórvettlingar Dúllumúsarinnar

Here is the beer mitten recipe for english speakers:




7 responses

  1. Ingunn


    30.3.2012 at 20:47

    • thetta er frábaert! Takk kaerlega

      30.3.2012 at 21:33

  2. Darlene

    i’m ok in the pattern until the part where u have to knit 14 sts from there on i am lost…any help

    12.12.2012 at 19:19

    • Dúllumúsin

      You just take waste yarn, knit 14 stitches with it, put those 14 stitches back on your right needle and then knit with your main yarn on like usual. It’s based on the typical way (here in Iceland at least) you make thumbs, except now the “thumb” reaches over half of the mitten.

      Later you take out the waste yarn and pick up the stitches and graft the ends together with the corresponding end of the mitten (like you do under sleeves on sweaters knitted in the round), so it forms a circle you can reach around your can in.

      I really hope I didn’t just confuse you even further! I can make a explanatory drawing tomorrow after my exam if you’re still having problems with it, it’s probably easier to understand this visually. 🙂

      12.12.2012 at 20:43

  3. Sharon

    when you say “knit 14”, does that mean “cast on” 14???

    10.12.2014 at 00:08

    • Sigga

      No, when you knit with the waste yarn the working yarn is still at the beginning where the 14 stitches with the waste yarn started, so you knit the waste yarn stitches with the working yarn to be able to continue working in the round, that way it will be easy to graft the ends together to form the circle you put the beer through. It’s exactly the same concept as a normal thumb on mittens, except it’s bigger and instead of starting a thumb after taking up the stitches from the waste yarn you just fasten the top of the knitted tube so it forms a circle. Hope this helps. 🙂

      10.12.2014 at 00:46

      • Sharon

        ohhhhhhhh!!!!! i get it now! thanks!

        10.12.2014 at 02:10

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