Want to Get a Head, Get a Turban

P&B_814_001You know when you have those idle moments, you should be doing something entirely different but your mind won’t or doesn’t want to settle on that so it gads off pulling your interest with it? I had one of those a few days ago.

I was happily working on my lovely yellow 1930s jumper (only a sleeve to go) and I felt compelled to look in my pattern box. Just to fondle some old paper and drool over amazing knits from the past. I came across one of them and just looked. Then I wandered over to the bin bag of bits and pulled out a some blue, sauntered over to the needles and had a rummage. Then it was back to the sofa where I sat and cast on.

20140513_150405What had attracted my attention? A pattern for a turban. Now I remember my nan wearing turbans in the 1970s. Hideous nylon things, maybe with flowers but here was a lovely woollen one from the far more chic 1940s and I have never made one. 4 hours later I had something that cold be worn but only just. It’s a bit of a percher so might make it slightly deeper if I do it again but one turban from a remnant of wool.

This is made from less than 100 grams of aran weight on 4.5mm needles and works well (the original was 3-ply doubled). The crown is knit separately with the band being sewn on afterwards and the ends are padded to give it some ooomp. If you want to make your own just click on the pattern image above and you too can make your own.




About glamgirlknits

I knit and sew and do a bit of gardening and a bit of running and some exercise and a bit of writing and a bit of cooking and a bit of eating and lots of talking. I also have a shop on etsy selling vintage knitting patterns www.prettyoldpatterns.etsy.com
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