Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cabled Arm Warmers

All right, here's my pattern for the Claire Mitts! They ended up being more form fitting than the pictures of Claire's but I know they'll also stretch out a little bit with wear. 

If you want to make sure they're looser and slouchier, do the cable piece a bit longer and don't slip the first stitch of each row. This will give you more little holes to pick up more stitches around the edge.

OK, here we go! As always, please let me know if anything needs to be clarified.

Click pictures to embiggen

Size 8 needles
Worsted weight yarn (Mine is Malabrigo Worsted in Marron Oscuro)

The first step is to create the cabled piece that will wrap around the fingers.

Cast on 19 and set up with the following two rows:

K3, p2, k9, p2, k3
P3, k2, p9, k2, p3

Then begin pattern. I slip the first stitch of every row to smooth out the edge but again, if you want it to be looser and slouchier around the arm, don't slip the fist stitch so you have more little holes to pick up stitches with.

*K3, p2, Sl 3 sts to cn and hold to front, k3, k3 from cn, k3, p2, k3

P3, k2, p9, k2, p3

K3, p2, k9, p2, k3

P3, k2, p9, k2, p3

K3, p2, k3, Sl 3 sts to cn and hold to back, k3, k3 from cn, p2, k3

P3, k2, p9, k2, p3

K3, p2, k9, p2, k3

P3, k2, p9, k2, p3*

Repeat from * to * until you reach your desired length

I stopped at 9 inches so it would wrap loosely around the hand and be able to slip down to the wrist easily.

Join the ends to create a loop. I used Kitchener stitch:

But you can also just cast off and sew the two ends together.

Then put the loop on your hand with the seam on the underside (palm side) and mark the point where your thumb hits. This is where you'll start picking up stitches and knitting along the edge. (Remember, when doing the second mitt, to mark this spot on your other hand so that you have Left and Right mitts with the seams hidden on the palm sides.)

Because the length of your loop might be different from mine, the number of stitches you'll pick up along the edge might be different as well. I picked up 26.

Next, you'll be creating a thumb hole down from the marker. You started picking up stitches at the marker because you won't be knitting in the round right away. For approx 2 inches you'll be knitting and purling back and forth in stockinette stitch, slipping the first stitch on every row.

After those two inches, (mine was 12 rows) rejoin and knit in the round until it's as long as you want it to be. I knit 5 inches after the rejoin.

Once you get to the length you want, do three rounds of purl and then a loose cast off and you're done! Remember, when you do the second glove, be sure to check the placement of the seam under the fingers on your other hand so that you have distinct Left and Right gloves.

As much as I love the grey ones I did before, I think I'm going to be wearing these every day this winter, they're SO comfortable and warm.

Let me know how these directions are and feel free to ask any questions either in the comments here or on Facebook / Ravelry. Good luck, Stitchenachs! 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Maybe I missed it, but how many yards did it take to make a pair. I have one precious skein of that yarn! Hoping it's enough;-)


dorkchic said...

How many yards are in your skein? There were 210 in mine and I made both gloves with plenty left over. Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Did you do a provisional cast on for the cable? You said you used Kitchener to join ....

dorkchic said...

Hey elizlk! I did not do a provisional cast on, although that would be a great choice. I did a long tail cast on but then went back and picked up stitches on that edge to Kitchener with. I have a slight ridge on the underside, where it connects but not enough to bug me. :)

Lisa said...

These are fantastic! Thanks for the great pattern! :)

Heather Brown said...

I love these arm warmers. I can't wait to try making them. you said size 8 needles. Is that US 8 or 8 mm?

Frances Davidson said...

these look lovely. I was wondering about making a thumb part instead of leaving the thumb completely open. how could this be integrated with perhaps some stitches picked up or adding stitches as part of the glove? I'd love your advice. thanks.

dorkchic said...

Lisa - US 8 needles

Frances - Yup, you can just pick up stitches around the thumb hole and make a thumb. There are tons of glove recipes on Ravelry or youtube videos that can talk you through it. Good luck!